Gorst, Bay Bowl, Sea Shanties and Uncorked!

Hello everyone! The first half on Season 2 just dropped, as well as the announcement that I will presenting at the history museum next week! I usually post my notes and a loose transcript here when episodes go up but I’m going to postpone those for a week, just until after the history museum event. I’m also on-call for work this week and it’s really taken a bite out of my free time.

I think optimizing for batch releases works better for me than trying to do an episode every month. I recently watched a video about optimizing for passion vs. optimizing for productivity. I think passion is the route for me. However, I want to do three more episodes this season and two of them are holiday specific (halloween and christmas) so I am going to do my best to get them out in the months they belong in! December is already recorded and is awaiting editing. That just leaves November to plan. I’m thinking it would be a good opportunity to answer the “Was the high school built to be a prison?” question. If you have other thoughts, let me know!

Keep your ears open for the next epsiode, which should be Halloween! Hope to see you at the history museum this thursday!


WTF is Gorst pt. 1


Mailbag and Season 2