Spring update

Hello all,

Every time that I think spring has finally sprung, we get another freeze. It makes life feel like I’m stuck in a holding pattern, waiting for the good stuff.

I’ve had some big life changes so far this year. I made some changes at work that will allow me more time to work on my passion projects like Bremelore, which is great! I’ve always struggled to participate with the library and the history museum the way that I’d like to, because of my work schedule. but, hopefully that’s all behind me now.

I lost one of my feline companions earlier this year. It makes me very sad to think about but I was lucky to have loved her for so long. She was 14. I wrote and researched many an episode of Bremelore with her warm, fuzzy butt tucked up against me. She will be dearly missed.

Anyway. It’s April now so I am starting to write. I received a question a from a listener about Glud’s pond and it was a fun topic to research so it will probably be an episode in season 4. I am going to see if I can get in touch with the Poggie’s for it. I have a couple of other fun things I’m looking into but as always, I would love to hear any questions that you have, dear listener.


The Smokestack


Even more christmas ship pics